Friday, April 18, 2014


It's Good Friday today, for those who celebrate. I actually had a different prompt picked out for today, but considering the holiday, I considered it bad taste so you'll see it sometime in the future instead.

I've been out working on convention related stuff this week, and set to spend most of next week on similar tasks... it's coming up fast, but things seem to be coming along.

So, this is a... slightly convention-related prompt for today... enjoy!

He wore a mask. 


  1. that's an easy one - will see if I have any free time today

  2. Came to me in a couple of seconds; will have a 'real' one later :)

    He wore a mask. he used to pretend that everyone did, but now he knows it's just him. On good days, he doesn't put on the mask until hours after he wakes up. On bad days he feels like he never takes it off. Sometimes he thinks people will see his mask, no matter what he is doing. That he will catch the bridge, save the plane, and they will stare at him. And not see Superman. But the mask he hates to wear.

    1. Well, I don't see how this one isn't 'real'...

      Haha, for some reason, right up unit the end, I was picturing one of those Mexican wrestler masks ;)

      Nicely done!

  3. He wore a mask to the costume ball. Flowers decorated the great hall; the band in the back. Surveying the graceful dancers circling on the dance floor, he noticed the witches, goblins, devils, vampires and ghouls. They left their masks at home

    42 words

    1. Ohh! Nicely done as well, and even shorter than mine!

      You both beat me today!
